Seven institutions in Egypt will loan more than 200 works to the Hong Kong Palace Museum later this year for a blockbuster ...
A century after the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb, some overlooked objects may reveal clues to a forgotten ancient ...
Clay trays found inside the tomb may have held liquid offerings to Osiris, while wooden staffs could symbolize the symbolic ...
ASHEVILLE - On the first day of Biltmore Estate's spring season, a new exhibition was unveiled that connects ancient Egypt ...
The Grand Egyptian Museum is filled with archaeological treasures, here's our pick of some of the best historical marvels.
ASHEVILLE - On the first day of Biltmore Estate's spring season, a new exhibition was unveiled that connects ancient Egypt and King Tutankhamun ... includes true-to-size statues, chambers, tombs ...
Despite being uncovered over a century ago, Tutankhamun's tomb is still yielding secrets, according to a new study by Dr ...
Recently, archaeologists unearthed a 3,000-year-old Egyptian mining camp in the Sukari ... First Royal Tomb Since King Tut Discovered This ancient operation was so robust that an entire mining ...