Maintaining current elephant numbers, let alone reversing declines, requires new thinking and conservation innovation.
With approximately 4 million stray pets in South Africa, the urgent need for action is highlighted as World Stray Animal Day ...
People take a lot of time caring for their land, then the elephants come "when you have planted the crops and they are almost ...
Network for Animals and AfriPaw are transforming animal welfare in South Africa with their groundbreaking pet taxi, a bicycle ...
When I went on safari for the first time in South Africa, I learned surprising things about the bathroom situation, food, ...
Electric Jeeps and carbon credits are unlikely to make up for gas-guzzling private flights and building mini towns in the ...
The data showed that some of these watering holes had experienced blooms of algae containing deadly toxins. An analysis of ...
At this point in history, the hubristic belief that people are above nature has allowed humans to bring immeasurable change to the natural systems that all of life depends upon for survival. The ...
The Cheetah is the fastest land animals. It has a lightweight body that and long legs that can speed up to 75 mph. Its ...
What do you do when an elephant crashes your pool party? Well, if you’re like the people in the attached video, it’s time to ...
George Wittemyer receives funding from the U.S.A. National Science Foundation and Save the Elephants, a Kenya based non-profit organization. He is a professor at Colorado State University and ...
Due to drought, climate change & scarce resources in Kenya, elephants are getting closer to villages in their hunt for food.