An overwhelming terror engulfed Willow Kasner. In 2023, the state of Oregon threatened to douse her beloved home, the ...
José Daniel Simancas Rodríguez was one of 177 Venezuelans that the US deported and sent to its naval base in Guantanamo, Cuba ...
Of all flowers, the rose is arguably the most ubiquitous across art, inspiring everything from poetry and literature to ...
Authorities in the region say the gang is behind a spike in criminal activities in Colombia, Perú, Ecuador ... the fact that some of the migrants had tattoos of a type reportedly used in ...
Over 7.7 million people have fled, with many settling in neighboring countries like Colombia, Peru and Ecuador ... relatives were profiled for their tattoos or for simply being Venezuelan.
Rebecca Bogart, who had been a senior, felt so lost after what she had witnessed that Schamis encouraged her to apply for a scholarship to go abroad to Ecuador. The physical distance finally gave ...
In Ecuador's presidential election ... Protege - An avid cyclist and marathon runner, tattoo enthusiast and animal lover, 47-year-old Gonzalez garnered more votes than any other candidate in ...
Understandably, Ecuador was delighted to have a second hero 28 years after ... Anyone catching sight of Pintado’s arms will have noticed the unusual tattoos on the right. It’s yet more affiliation and ...