A program that will match 5 leading European and UK brands with Sri Lankan counterparts and key international experts has been launched by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Sri Lanka and th ...
Thousands of Turks ramped up protests on Thursday despite a ban on street gatherings over what they called the undemocratic ...
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka’s delayed Local Government election will be held on May 6, Election Commission said after accepting ...
There are 8000 shipwrecks off Australia alone, many more still to be found. Yet stunning discoveries still happen. What does ...
It was only after I left the Bar Bayeux in Brooklyn last Friday night, elated after two riveting sets from the Michael Sarin ...
Upon immediately landing, there is always the risk of dizziness and nausea due to the journey into Earth, which is why there ...
It's just about 9 a.m. when Maggie Rideout pulls up to the yarn store. Her remote job allows her to work from anywhere, and on Tuesdays, she chooses Yardgoods Center yarn store as her office, even if ...
Born into a musical family and a pro by his teenage years with a real-life education in backstage realities, the passionate drummer has seen dreams come true with Arthur Brown, Atomic Rooster, Asia, M ...
Astronomy contributor and lunar expert Robert Reeves looks back on a Texas-sized achievement in Moon exploration.
In 2025, dupe culture has fully taken hold. Here’s what to know about the drivers for consumers — and how brands can deal ...
Amid the extraordinary ascent of the genre, Tochi Louis traces the growing influence of African artists around the world ...
What the world needs now, many Burt Bacharach fans can agree, is for that deep catalog of songs to not be consigned to ...