If you have existing neck tattoos you want to cover, blackwork may be for you. This style of tattooing covers often large areas of skin with saturated black ink. It’s an eye-catching way to ...
Shelly Millar, then aged 35, was jailed for five years. All four wore Eye of Horus tattoos on their arms to signify membership of the cult.
Shelly Millar, then aged 35, was jailed for five years. All four wore Eye of Horus tattoos on their arms to signify membership of the cult. Batley was described in court as “evil and ...
The Trump administration sent Venezuelans to El Salvador’s most infamous prison. Their families are looking for answers.
Your next tattoo might be riskier than currently assumed, recent research suggests. Scientists found evidence of a potential link between tattoo ink and a higher risk of certain cancers.
Shardul Pandit, a renowned actor and radio jockey, got his first tattoo—a tribute to his late mother, Veena, with angel wings. Despite his fear of needles, he wanted a permanent reminder of her.
Originally, the tattoo, located on the side of the unnamed woman's neck, said "Faith over fear". The inspirational phrase also included a feathered arrow piercing the words. "I just don’t like ...
Television watchdogs yesterday let off Channel 4 with just a slap on the wrist over the sickening Brass Eye spoof documentary on paedophilia. And last night, triumphally brushing aside even the ...
If you’re reading this hunched over your laptop, warding off strain in your eyes and neck, you may want to skip ... switching between tabs and reducing eye strain. Perfect for anyone in need ...
However, after a 14-hour flight from San Francisco to Manila, I mistakenly left my eye mask on the plane, which meant I had to fly without it on my return trip for the first time in years.
Chhattisgarh finance minister OP Choudhary presented an innovative budget with 101 pages hand-written. Meanwhile, in Odisha, a woman's Jagannath tattoo on her thigh sparked controversy and legal ...