The Supermarine Spitfire is a legend in British air history. With the Hawker Hurricane, it successfully defended England against the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, and throughout the war it saw ...
And when World War II erupted in earnest in September 1939, the Stuka spearheaded Germany’s Blitzkrieg into Poland, France, ...
Ferdinand Porsche (left) presents the model of the Volkswagen to Hitler in 1934. Last week, the parties in the Bundestag (parliament) agreed to the largest arms deal since the Nazi regime.
A toy panda that was stabbed by German soldiers in Sark in World War Two, will be part of an exhibition marking the 80th anniversary of the islands' liberation from occupation. Maisie Le Page has ...
The Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum army – a.k.a. the Imperial Guard – is among the oldest and most popular playable factions in Games Workshop’s sci-fi wargame. An enormous force of trillions of ...