Elevation of Amsterdam basilica to co-cathedral is a "birthday gift" from pope to city celebrating its 750th anniversary in ...
St. Patrick’s Cathedral is one of New York City’s finest buildings and most spectacular churches, and is the largest house of worship for Catholics in the city. Over 150 years ago, Archbishop ...
Bardstown Bourbon Company (BBC) has been around for a little over a decade. That’s barely the blink of an eye by whiskey’s slow and steady standards. Yet, in that relatively small span of ...
Hundreds of people are expected to attend a Grand Iftar event which is being held in Bristol Cathedral for the second consecutive year. Bristol Cathedral, Muslims4Bristol and Bridges for ...
Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed over a 26-year period after the fire of 1194, Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French Gothic art. The vast nave, in pure ogival style, ...
The Washington-based company Opera Lafayette and the New Orleans group OperaCréole came together to bring “Morgiane” to life; its first outing was at St. Louis Cathedral, in New Orleans, ...
On 7 June 2024, Hugh will marry account manager, Olivia Henson, at Chester Cathedral, after which she will be known as the Duchess of Westminster. Discover ...
An architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries, Westminster Abbey has become a treasure house of artefacts. This is also the coronation church where some of the most significant people in ...
Haarlem is een plaats in de provincie Noord-Holland en valt onder de P2000-regio Kennemerland. De hulpdiensten in Haarlem reageren onder meer op 112 meldingen die bij deze veiligheidsregio binnenkomen ...
Haarlem is sinds 13 februari een nieuw restaurant rijker: Heinde. Voor een vast bedrag kan je hier kiezen uit talloze gerechtjes en drankjes. Een chique vorm van het all-you-can-eat concept. Of gewoon ...