Vigne Basse is one of several Vermentino wines made by Giuliani. The Terenzuola vineyards comprise 60–65% of this Italian ...
Pesto, a beloved sauce originating from Italy, has a rich history that dates back centuries. Traditionally made using a ...
Italy’s geographical variety means that local climate conditions can change greatly depending on the area you're in. But ...
What will the weather be like in the coming days? Here are the weather forecasts from Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who, on his ...
Those massive bottles of Kirkland Signature Basil Pesto available at Costco are a clear bargain. But where does Costco source ...
The art nouveau-style chalet of Alessandro Mendini and an apartment in a 16th-century Neapolitan palace feature in Laura May ...
Ukrainian forces shoot down about 80% of Russian drones throughout Kherson, but remain vulnerable to airstrikes and missiles, the spokesperson of Ukrainian forces in the province said on Friday.
For travel tips, recipes and more insight on Italian culture, sign up for CNN’s Unlocking Italy newsletter. This eight-part guide will have you packing your bags in no time. Ever dreamed of a ...
Focaccia is another traditional flatbread that hails from the Liguria region. Soft, aromatic, and often topped with rosemary, ...
Ever dreamed of a house next door to a ski resort, vineyard or thermal springs?The northern Italian region known as Trentino, or officially the Autonomous Province of Trento, will pay residents of ...