JESUS IN LUKE -- THE DIVINE MAN Luke portrays Jesus in the gospel in essentially according to the image of the divine man. The person in whom divine powers are visible and are exercised ...
If you dig a little deeper, throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, wisdom literature is filled with concise ...
There’s another story with Mary and Martha in Luke 10 ... commission of the risen Jesus in John 20 to go to the disciples and announce that he’s risen from the dead. All of this makes her an essential ...
In Luke’s narrative, the child is publicly proclaimed in the very heart of Jerusalem by Simeon and Anna. Luke portrays Jesus’ family observantly going to Jerusalem, but in Matthew they avoid the city.
celebrating Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. It is celebrated each year the Sunday before Easter Sunday. These events were recorded by eye-witnesses Matthew and Luke, two of the Gospel ...
Luke's unequivocal answer was "Yes." Tradition holds that the author of the gospel of Luke was a ... king of Israel and the new King, Jesus Christ. According to some interpreters, Luke's Jesus ...
Luke sets the scene of Jesus' birth in its political context by mentioning various rulers and places at the time (2:1-4). Luke's gospel begins with dramatic appearances of the angel Gabriel to ...
The Gospel of ... of his mercy, 55 according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever." 56 And Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to ...