The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
(Lk 10:30-35) The lawyer grants, when Jesus questions him, that of the three passers-by the Samaritan alone "proved neighbor to the man." Jesus concludes: "Go and do likewise" (vv. 36-37).
Then there follows a list of the sayings of Jesus. Now this raises all kinds of questions. Did Jesus have a twin brother? Actually the name Thomas Didymos -- well, Thomas is Hebrew for twin.
Celebrity hairstylist Jesus Guerrero's sister, Gris Guerrero, is trying to make sense of his tragic death at age 34. "[There are] unanswered questions and it may take some time to properly have ...
The identity of Jesus - CCEA The Kingdom of God - CCEA The death and resurrection of Jesus - CCEA The role and nature of Christian discipleship - CCEA ...
Jesus Guerrero’s sister shared that the celebrity hairstylist did not “look well” days before his sudden death at age 34. Gris Guerrero told Us Weekly on Tuesday that their family has ...
He asked them three times to stay awake and keep watch, but they were unable to do so. Jesus questions Peter, asking could he not even stay awake for one hour. He warns them not to fall into ...
Jesus Guerrero’s sister spoke out about the hairstylist’s death and reflected on the support from his clients like Kylie Jenner and Jennifer Lopez ...
“Jesus was family to her, and she was family to him. She has kept an open line. Anything we need, any questions we have, she has been there for us.” She continued of The Kardashians ...
Celebrity hairstylist Jesus Guerrero’s sister, Gris Guerrero, is trying to make sense of his tragic death at age 34. “[There are] unanswered questions and it may take some time to properly ...