The origins of the Kali, goddess of death, conflict across traditions. Read on to learn about the mythology of Kali and how she's honored today. Rooted in tribal mountain societies of South Asia ...
Kuchipudi exponent, Dr Anuradha J Tadakamalla, brings her dance production Mahakali, to Bengaluru as part of the Nayika - ...
Discover the fabric of local legends that makes up the unique identity of Kolkata. Told with history and culture, these ...
So I kind of defaulted going that way Kali is a goddess associated with destruction and rebirth, which made sense as we were destroying BackTrack and building something new. What is pen testing ...
Kali Chaudas is considered the day Goddess Mahakali defeated Asura king Rakthabija in a fierce battle. Kali Chaudas falls on the Krishna Paksh Chaturthi tithi of Kartik Month on the Hindu calendar, ...
At the end of the 19th century, during the British rule of India, the goddess Kali commits a number of murders, among which the man who was conducting a cargo of serum to a village infected with ...