Este domingo se llevó a cabo el velorio del empresario Horst Paulmann, fundador de Cencosud, con la presencia de destacados líderes políticos y económicos. Los funerales tendrán lugar este ...
However, the Tokyo Metro lines are full – to a level rarely seen in Germany. You stand like a sardine in the carriage, holding on to one of the many handrails and wondering what smaller people ...
As one reader points out, the barrage of announcements on public transport could be preventing us from hearing the ones matter (Credits: Getty Images) I work for Transport for London (TfL) at a ...
This week introduces Mercury Retrograde and the start of Aries season; the astrological New Year as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. A lot of cosmic energy in the air. A lot of unseen forces ...
I just wanted to make sure I did really good review on you.: I had an incredible experience at Metro PCS at 3701 San Mateo in Albuquerque, New Mexico thanks to an employee named ...
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.TYSONS, Va., March 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Macerich ...
Entre los proyectos en desarrollo destaca la apertura de un centro oncológico. A largo plazo, la meta es elevar su red de clínicas a la categoría... La inteligencia artificial y la ciencia de ...
Esta mañana trabajadores de Cencosud despidieron el cortejo fúnebre que trasladó los restos del empresario Horst Paulmann, quien falleció este 11 de marzo a la edad de 89 años, en Alemania. La carroza ...
Barely 24 hours after surgery, the teenager shot on Monday by a landlord for jumping into his house to retrieve a ball during a game of football in his school field, Paul, has been pronounced dead ...
Por alrededor de dos años y medio, Thomas Keller fue gerente del negocio supermercadista de Cencosud, rol desde el que le tocó trabajar codo a codo con Horst Paulmann, quien fundó el holding que logró ...
An integrated train control and operating system has been successfully deployed on Qingdao metro Line 6 as a national demonstrator for China’s next generation of metro signalling. Tim Mulligan is ...