Neon signs have moved on from the traditional ... Fluorescent and baby tender shades like pink and lavender are romantic colours while deep and serious colors like red and blue give a power ...
Tucked amid the fast food, Topgolf, and Target signs, just off Grand, is a hidden gem of an arts space. Just follow the welcoming glow through the walls of ...
Visitors to Deep Cuts Coffee, located in the sky bridge at Pacific Place in downtown Dallas, are greeted by a glowing neon ...
Seventy-six-year-old Bow Mac sign was saved in 1997 by a heritage revitalization agreement between Toys "R" Us and the City ...
Alabama cities may not have the glitz and glare of Times Square or Las Vegas but that doesn’t mean we can’t rock a cool neon sign when one is called for. Some in Alabama are easily ...
As Butte, America prepares for yet another spectacular St. Patrick's Day, one of Uptown's most iconic symbols, which was gone each of the past four years, is ...
Released in 2022, the film A Light Never Goes Out follows a family’s efforts to grapple with the legacy of a Hong Kong neon-sign-maker after his death. In the final scene, a long, archival shot ...