Dechra Launches DuOtic®: The First Antibiotic-Free Otitis Externa Treatment for Dogs. News release. Dechra. March 12, 2025.
La otitis externa, otitis externa difusa u oído del nadador es la inflamación que afecta a la piel del conducto auditivo ...
Startup Healing Sound Launches Portable Ear Care Device to Prevent Infections Innovative ear care device aims to enhance ...
Joya Griffin, DVM, DACVD, shared her love of ‘extreme makeovers’ for patients in a keynote address at Fetch Charlotte.
Know the harms of water balloons on ear health, and prevention tips to stay safe and have a healthy Holi celebration.
Water balloons with dirty water can bring in dangerous bacteria and fungi into the ear, causing infections like: Otitis externa (swimmer's ear): Dirty water lodged in the ear canal provides a ...
Compartir audífonos puede causar infecciones del oído como otomicosis y otitis externa, ¿sabes cómo deben limpiarse? Esto es lo que debes conocer.
Those braving the waves may not realise they could be putting themselves at risk of hearing loss – from a condition known as surfer’s ear.
Though both can arise from water immersion. Swimmer's ear, also called otitis externa, is a form of ear infection. It typically results in pain and discharge, and can arise from water accumulating ...