The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the city ...
For thousands of years, Abydos has been the city of the dead. It’s one of Egypt’s most sacred and ancient burial sites, ...
one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt. The city, about 300 miles south of Cairo, was a burial place for early pharaohs, and a necropolis developed at Anubis Mountain to the city’s south.
An international team of archeologists have discovered a massive tomb that belonged to one of ancient Egypt’s earliest pharaohs. However, the ruler’s identity remains a mystery—as do many ...
REUTERS — Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the ... during a chaotic period in Egypt’s history.
This discovery follows the recent identification of a tomb near Luxor by Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, believed to be that of New Kingdom pharaoh Thutmose II.
Archaeologists excavating in Abydos, Egypt, have unearthed an extraordinary tomb dating back more than 3,600 years—yet the ...
The royal tomb of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh from 3,600 years ago was unearthed by archaeologists. It was ...
Shepsekaf's tomb also isn't christened with a pyramid as was the case with other pharaohs. The three famous pyramids of Giza, for context, were each built during the fourth dynasty of Egypt.