General Mills had a history of aiding the military with research assignments and created the Aeronautical Research Division specifically to develop plastic balloons for the Navy. While at GMI ...
Birthday parties and graduations are occasions when people celebrate with balloons, often releasing them into the sky with gusto. But what happens to those plastic balloons once they deflate?
He says the issue of plastics in the environment is bigger than balloons and straws. “Plastic is a petroleum-based product, plastic production is inherently linked to climate change. If we want to ...
When helium filled balloons are handed out at public events, they usually come with a piece of string or ribbon attached. The attachment is either tied into the knot, or secured with a plastic disk.
This leaves an area of positive charge in the desk near the plastic. The negative plastic and the positive area of the desk attract. When the balloon is rubbed on hair or clothes, electrons move onto ...