The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
In the early evening on March 5, watch our satellite pass by a famous bright star cluster: the Pleiades (M45).
All winter long I’ve been meaning to write about the little constellation Aries the Ram, and finally on this last weekend of ...
March's full moon, known as the Worm Moon, will bring a stunning total lunar eclipse, turning the Moon a deep reddish hue in ...
All winter long I’ve been meaning to write about the little constellation Aries the Ram, and finally on this last weekend of winter I’m getting around to it. It’s good timing, because Aries is about ...
The third time is supposed to be the charm, but Christopher Hunt thinks his fifth time is particularly charming.
During the overnight hours of Feb. 5-6, the moon will pass through the famous Pleiades star cluster while one day past its half-lit first quarter phase. This will actually be the third time in the ...
Providing a closer look at the stars, galaxies and nebulas on a budget, these astronomy binoculars are a great first pair to ...
Binoculars are a big help. March 5: The waxing crescent moon once again keeps close company with the Pleiades star cluster — binoculars recommended. March 6: Jupiter near the first quarter moon.
It is the Christian understanding that "long ago, at many times and in many ways," God spoke to His people through the ...