On March 17, a student group called Facts on the Ground at the University of Michigan (FOG) hosted a talk with CNN host Van ...
Few television shows have been as influential and impactful as Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone, the 1959 to 1964 anthology ...
I'm an American citizen — born and raised in the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God. I've fought for free ...
Following the death of his mother at a Titan’s hands ... Naoki Urasawa (and itself a remix of an acclaimed Astro Boy arc), Pluto is a gripping sci-fi murder mystery that sees detective Gesicht ...
Until July 6 visitors will have a unique chance to admire 24 of the most iconic artworks of Caravaggio at Palazzo Barberini.
“You must let go of the fear of death. After all, it is bound to come. What matters is how we live.” ‘I am never alone, God is always with me’ When asked about whether he ever feels ...
I believe that innocent lives will be lost as a result of drastic cuts to critical medical research for Alzheimer’s, cancer, ...
The twisty, serialized mystery stars David Mitchell of “Peep Show,” who plays identical twins, one of whom goes missing.
For nearly five years, entrepreneur Bryan Johnson has been attempting that feat of which magicians and daredevils have ...
The famed escapologist had a reputation for death-defying stunts. But his rise to fame and sudden death both came with some ...