The Power Up Ticket for April 2025 will be available soon in Pokemon Go, so here are all the details you should know before purchasing it.
Tyranitar is a Rock/Dark-type Pokémon with the Ghost Tera Type for this specific Tera Raid event. The Ghost Tera Type makes ...
Not to mention, the other spirits have limitations on their powers, too. Pete starts to disappear if he’s gone for too long.
Unlike the franchise’s previous games where you had to catch wild creatures out in, you know, the wild, Legends: Z-A will ...
Here's the team partners that Deku and his friends would likely have if Pokemon inherited the world of My Hero Academia.
Mega Absol returns in Pokemon GO for a limited time, offering trainers the chance to battle and collect Mega Energy. To ...
The primary method to evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius is by using a Dusk Stone. This evolutionary stone can be found in various locations depending on the game version. In these titles, Misdreavus is ...
Hydro Cannon is a Water-type Charged Attack in Pokemon GO. It has base 90 power with a two-second cooldown in PvE. On the other hand, it deals 80 base damage for 40 energy in PvP battles. It is ...
Pokemon Go’s Might and Mastery season is celebrating the Scroll Cup: Great League Edition and here are the best fighters for ...
Raikou has arrived to Max Battles, and here's your chance to add this Pokémon to your roster, teaching it the best attacks.
Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are readily replenishable on short-timescales. Examples of these are solar radiation, wind, and biomass. Renewable energy intermittency and ...
Pokemon GO introduces Dynamax Raikou Max Battles, challenging players with a Tier 5 difficulty. Trainers need a strategic team of attackers, defenders ...