Two years after Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, US president Richard Nixon declared a new frontier in American scientific ...
Richard Leadbetter is the founder of Digital Foundry and Technology Editor for Digital Foundry began life in 2004 as a video production facility and videogames consultancy business ...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone may be breaking box office records but it's not the only movie that will be weaving a touch of magic at the cinema this year. Next month, swords, sorcery ...
Parents who believe that opening a window in a room will protect their children from the dangers of passive smoking are being warned that they are misinformed, in a new campaign launched today.
DREAD IT, run from it or hide from it, there’s no avoiding the simple fact that sleep is important. Whether you’re a pro athlete or just need some decent shut eye before your alarm starts blaring and ...
Hervey Bay on Queensland's Fraser Coast was hit with 233mm in a six-hour period this morning as ex-TC Alfred continues to dump rain across South East Queensland and northern NSW. The ex-cyclone is ...