But, in reality, ancient Greeks and Romans embraced bold colors, which archaeologists call “polychromy.” Brightly hued paints ...
Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...
Not only were ancient sculptures multi-colored, they were also scented with perfumes, oils, and flower arrangements.
The myth that the statues of ancient Greece and Rome were white was created over time and upheld in part to serve racist ...
Previous research has found traces of pigments from long-faded paint on ancient Greek and Roman statues, showing that works long assumed to be white were in fact highly colorful. More information ...
Science has already proven that sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome were often painted in warm colours, and now a Danish ...
This research, led by archaeologist Cecilie Brøns, proposes a new way of understanding classical art, challenging the traditional perception of sculpture as a purely visual art form. Greco-Roman art ...
Science has already proven that sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome were often painted in warm colours and now a Danish ...