Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
All true: they are quick, they trace paths and hypotheses of things and actions that do not yet exist with a jaunty ...
Check the musem's website for full details. The Musei Capitolini (Capitoline Museums) dates back to the 1400s, and it holds Rome's symbol, the bronze Capitoline She-wolf. According to lore ...
Capitoline Museums, Rome Photograph by Bridgeman/ACI Rome is known for many things: its military conquests, its civic architecture, temples, roads, emperors, and sculpture. Yet none of these would ...
The project has been brought to life by the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage — which manages the archaeological and historical sites owned by the city of Rome — and cultural ...
The Campidoglio, or Capitoline Hill, may have been the smallest of the seven hills but it was the power hub of the ancient world. Rome isn’t well served with parks; if you’re feeling the need ...
For more than 500 years, visitors keen to see the "colossal statue" that once graced Rome's Forum have "made do with the bits and pieces stacked in a courtyard of the Capitoline museum", said The ...
The crumbling yet still magnificent Ancient Rome is at the center of the city ... When you've finished touring the nearby Capitoline Museum (Musei Capitolini), make sure to check out the ...
The exhibit is at Palazzo della Cancelleria, at the top of the Capitoline Hill. Admission is free, but entry must be pre-booked on the official exhibition website. From June to September ...