Rudiger beaten too easily ... Simeone on the touchline clasps his hands in prayer towards the referee. He wags them accusingly towards Szymon Marciniak. It was soft! On the other hand, Lenglet ...
UNITED NATIONS (IDN) — The primary mandate of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, but the ...
Los Blancos proved their European immortality once again by beating their cross-city rivals to secure a quarter-final spot ...
Bernardo’s goal was an intelligent freekick, but in the other two cases, one of the reasons as to why space was afforded on ...
Video Phew, we’re through. I was on a knife edge wondering if we’d hang onto our slender first leg lead, but fair play to the lads, they did it! Mikel Arteta rang the changes for last night’s second ...
Bernardo’s goal was an intelligent freekick, but in the other two cases, one of the reasons as to why space was afforded on the edge of the box was Antonio Rudiger’s sole focus ... to the bare minimum ...
Antonio Rudiger scored the game-winning penalty kick in the shootout that allowed Real Madrid to advance past Atletico Madrid on Wednesday night at Riyadh Air Metropolitanos. Jan Oblak gave the ...
Real Madrid head coach Carlo Ancelotti has confirmed that centre-back Antonio Rudiger is ready to return for his side’s Champions League play-off second leg against Manchester City on Wednesday.