In the face of accusations of illegal exploitation in the DRC, Rwanda is organising a visit to its mines. At the invitation ...
Zambian married man identified as Jimmy Muchindu was baffled after learning dating site advertised him as single and visiting in Kenya and that from Rwanda.
Adding to the confusion, a group calling itself the ‘Balanda Community of Western Equatoria’ released a press statement on ...
Quella di ieri la possiamo definire una giornata “manifesto” per il ciclismo africano. Nella sua manifestazione simbolo, il ...
l’accordo prevede la collaborazione per "catene di valore sostenibili" sulle materie prime, ma la maggior parte vengono dalle miniere illegali del Congo ...
Kenya shilling remained stable against major currencies in the week ending February 27, 2025, trading at KSh 129.31 per US ...
Una cinquantina di delegati (vescovi, presbiteri, religiosi e religiose, laici e laiche) provenienti da tutte le diocesi del Ruanda si sono incontrati dal 2 al 6 marzo a Mbare per riflettere insieme s ...
Oggi si completano gli 807 km del Tour du Rwanda e mai ultima tappa fu meno ispirata alla rassegna iridata che verrà. Tutto pronto al Convention Center di Kigali per un test event di 74 km sotto gli ...
BAT share price stands at Sh364.75 while its last dividend per share was Sh50. Rwandese cross-listed lender BK Group meanwhile has a dividend yield of 11.75 percent- the highest of all banks ...
Government is urged to engage the Burundi Government in order to establish a centre for the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) there.
In the previous article, we saw how the oppressive policies of the MDR-PARMEHUTU party sparked opposition by armed means. This is how the Inyenzi armed group was born. In this piece, we will see more ...
Kenya shilling remained stable against major currencies in the week ending February 27, 2025, trading at KSh 129.31 per US ...