Agents had barred a French researcher from entering the country following messages criticizing President Donald Trump.
New court filings in the University of Idaho case continue to fill out the timeline of communications by two surviving ...
It’s been an uncharacteristically trying season for the Jayhawks. Players have heard it from fans, occasionally to ugly ...
State Rep. Mary Gonzales said on average, children spend 3.5 hours on social media every day, increasing their risk of ...
Former Vice President Al Gore championed the development of the internet so enthusiastically that one of the first myths of ...
Many young people struggling with their mental health are turning to social media – not trained professionals – for answers, ...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed but don’t quite have the willpower to curb your online habit, your phone can help you manage ...
There isn't much research on factors that drive social media research. For example, does an external factor like the weather ...
If you’ve got a smartphone, you probably spend too much time on it. It can be hard to curb excessive use of smartphones and ...
The bill sponsor is Rep. Michelle Salzman, R-Escambia. Her proposal, which she introduced on Wednesday to an Industries & ...
Discover why Spike O'Neill believes social media harms mental health in his insightful discussion on its overwhelming effects ...
Facing the looming threat of A.I. as a competitor, some publishers are considering an alternative to the internet’s ...