An art form born in Andalucía around the 15th century, flamenco expresses the emotions of life through dance, guitar-playing and song. The rhythm of this classic Spanish dance pulses through the ...
A Japanese dancer has been booed after becoming the first foreigner to win at Spain’s most prestigious flamenco festival.
RTVE, the Spanish national broadcaster, has unveiled the names of the five dancers who will accompany Melody on the Eurovision stage in Basel. RTVE is working from strength to strength in its ...
Ballet Ariel rounds out its 2024/2025 season (and 26th anniversary) with an exciting and passionate production of two ...
Rafael Bonachela’s passionate and 'most Spanish' work, Somos, for Sydney Dance Company triumphs in a perfect, intimate ...
Lenovo is set to become the sole outfit sponsor for Cambuslang-based Dance Elite Studio. This exciting partnership comes just ...