Ví, že ne každý se dokáže popasovat s tlakem ve Spartě. Tenhle faktor je podle legendárního trenéra Dušana Uhrina staršího, který dovedl českou reprezentaci na mistrovství Evropy v roce 1996 ke stříbr ...
500 basketball for the seventh time in the past eight seasons. To make matters worse, the banners from the franchise's golden age (the team's two three-peats in the 1990s) won't be displayed in ...
Fotbalisté Ostravy zvítězili ve 24. kole první ligy nad Bohemians 1905 2:0 a po dlouhé době se odlepili z posledního místa v ...
What is the current and next Wuthering Waves banner? Otherwise known as Convenes, WuWa banners run on a three-week rotation, which doesn’t give you much time to decide which characters to pull ...
Infinity Nikki has revealed the full slate of outfits that will be featured on the Limited Banners in Version 1.3, including three sets that players will be able to obtain for free via the ...
While there's only one Banner running at the start of version 1.3 in Infinity Nikki (with 4-Star Banners coming later), with eight other outfits to pick from, you certainly won't be lacking for ...
CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Bulls' six NBA championship banners have been removed from the United Center rafters after they were damaged during a concert. According to a United Center statement ...
What are the Zenless Zone Zero banners? If you’re looking to expand your roster of playable agents, then wishing on banners is your best bet. These digital gacha machines form the basis of ...
Praha - Hokejisté Sparty porazili doma v 49. extraligovém kole Litvínov 5:1 a s předstihem si zajistili Pohár Jaroslava Pouzara pro vítěze základní části.
In the lobby of Trump Tower, about 300 people donning red shirts reading "Not in My Name," chanted and held banners in support of Khalil, said Sonya Meyerson-Knox, a spokesperson for Jewish Voice ...
It's been a bit of a busy day in the world of virtual reality, thanks to a flurry of PSVR 2 and PCVR announcements courtesy of the aptly named VR Games Showcase. And if you've been itching for an ...
The demonstrators from Jewish Voice for Peace wore red shirts reading “Jews say stop arming Israel” and held up banners as they chanted “Bring Mahmoud home now!" on the lower level of the ...