Details of the life of a "beloved" chimpanzee who starred in a series of adverts for PG Tips tea has been revealed in a new ...
I think we would all agree that technology can be a wonderful thing. However, like all good things, it comes at a price.
Scientists have found evidence that Chopper, who lived at Twycross Zoo and starred in PG Tips adverts, sustained 'traumatic injuries' from living in the wild. | ITV News Central ...
Choppers starred in the 1970s PG Tips adverts after being rescued from poachers in Sierra Leone at just six weeks old.
It is caused by the degeneration of joint tissues over time ... but it can also cause pain in the arm, neck, back, or even the jaw. Deep vein thrombosis describes a blood clot in a vein located deep ...
One of the most common causes of poor sight is a condition called macular degeneration. This condition accounts for 50 per cent of all blindness and sight problems in the UK. Imagine that your eye ...
Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental You can ward off plenty of health conditions by looking out for early warning signs, but there are no such indications in the early stages of age-related macular ...
When Carrie Jade Williams, with a big warm smile, auburn hair and cute dimples in her cheeks, popped up in a Zoom box on my ...
You may be able to prevent degenerative disc disease (DDD), or limit its effects, by making lifestyle changes to lower your weight, get more exercise, stop smoking, and more. Physical exercise is ...
For exclusive news and updates, subscribe to our The View Newsletter: Wendy Williams made her voice heard on Friday’s (March 14) live episode of The View. The former talk show host called into ...
For someone with a degenerative brain disorder, there were no tremors, jerky movements or difficulty speaking. But we loved Carrie and we’d fallen under her spell.