One of the Bay of Islands' great maritime spectacles returned at noon on Saturday, when the starting signal sounded for the annual Tall Ships Race. Organised by the Russell Boating Club every ...
one of the stops on the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta. The Tall Ship Regatta is a 7,000 nautical mile Trans-Atlantic race to six countries to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Canadian ...
Passengers aboard the Regatta will enjoy the highly personalized service that comes from sailing aboard a well-run midsize ship. Itineraries vary widely, but the clientele does not. Passengers are ...
Regatta was welcomed to Whangārei-te-rerenga-parāoa (Whangārei harbour) with a pōwhiri conducted by hapū Patuharakeke as about 580 passengers disembarked. Whangārei Christmas Parade was this ...