How white supremacists used the loosely moderated social media platform Telegram to inspire lethal violence — until authorities took them down.
Invisible C2 — thanks to AI-powered techniquesJust about every cyberattack needs a Command and Control (C2) channel — a way ...
If you are looking for “actionable insights” to help you make better decisions, then following best cryptocurrency traders on Twitter is an excellent methodology ... returns with Dr. Panteo Paid and ...
Durov claimed that Meta is desperately trying to copy Telegram's features, calling WhatsApp a "cheap imitation" of their ...
Mercy Culture Lead Pastor Landon Schott took to social media March 5 to highlight his church’s private school having the lowest vaccination rate in the state of Texas. Only 14.29% of kindergartners at ...
IKEA has slid into the DMs of late-night scrollers in Canada in its new campaign. The campaign, created by independent agency Rethink, saw the brand sending Instagram users a classic "u up?" text ...
District Magistrate of Gurugram and Chairman of the District Disaster Management Authority Ajay Kumar on Thursday ordered evacuation of the flat owners in three towers of the Chintels Paradiso ...
Pavel Durov said Telegram has hit 1 billion users, rivaling WhatsApp.
Chris Torres [email protected] “It’s surreal, this whole journey is surreal,” head coach Mark Campbell said. “You kind of feel like you’re living in a movie as this thing keeps ...
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said Monday that he has travelled from France to Dubai as French authorities continue to investigate criminal activity on his messaging app. Durov revealed his whereabouts ...
Aster DM Healthcare has made a commitment to invest around ₹850 crore in Kerala in the next three years towards scaling up infrastructure, medical services and employment generation in the region.