Totti via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0 Animals have evolved many different ways of protecting themselves, from prickly quills and razor-sharp teeth to clever camouflage and sturdy shells.
There is never a dull moment in Sydney's eastern suburbs - and the Harbour City's high society set has been rocked by two ...
Still, almost despite itself, it points to true art. As a sprawling new exhibit opens in two museums in Amsterdam, the German artist fears that history is repeating itself. Two dozen works from ...
While the bite from a venomous blue-lined octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata) can result in a painful, potentially life-or-death emergency for humans, new research indicates it’s part of everyday ...
All these lies about me saying something about him being a woman basher is false, and that vision [of the fight] outside Totti’s [restaurant] will show you the truth.” Uzun claimed he has ...
In addition to putting his team on the right track, the 21-year-old Argentine offered himself a record held until then by the illustrious Franceco Totti. According to Opta, Matias Soulé is now AS Roma ...
March 13, 2025 • Donatella took over the brand after the murder of her brother, Gianni Versace, its founder, in 1997. Her bold creative vision and unique style have been instrumental in ...