“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth ...
ARCADIA — Trinity Lutheran Church of Arcadia will have a new pastor at the helm starting next month. Pastor Justin Rossow ...
[Prayer of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity.]" "All those Catholic expounders of the divine Scriptures, both Old and New, whom I have been able to read, who have written before me concerning the ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
The idea of the flesh as our enemy includes any desire to simply indulge what feels good to us, with no reference to how that ...
God is described as male in many religions and referred with masculine imagery, but when asked, many religious types insist that God has no gender.
This Saturday is “PIE Day” in Brandon — and as the name suggests, there will be pie. But there will also be a celebration of ...
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” helps me understand my own complicated relationship with Catholicism and sexuality.
The providential story of Mother Angelica’s founding of EWTN captivated an audience of more than 450 men at the diocesan ...
Each year in early spring, Christians across the globe celebrate their faith on Easter. Easter commemorates the resurrection ...
Candace Cameron Bure opens up about her fourth children s book, The Crazy Compromise, releasing on April 1 in partnership ...