NEPTUNE -- Many Vietnam veterans returning home from the war remember getting spit on, with no parade no hero's welcome.
This tribute will be an opportunity for remembrance, reflection, and appreciation of Maine’s Vietnam-era veterans and their sacrifices.
I’ve talked before about the hypocrisy, and I think that your approach to trying to trick people out of having to fly the ...
The Santa Barbara community is invited to attend a National Vietnam War Day event Saturday, March 29 at the Santa Barbara Memorial ...
Sarge Lintecum, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient, dedicated his life to helping veterans through his music and ...
Gary Gilliam, a Vietnam War veteran, wrote a memoir titled "So Help ... the statue features six Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima in the Japanese Volcano Islands on Feb. 23, 1945.
The date is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. “I feel it’s owed ... Honor Guard is to perform a folding of the American flag with songs from each military branch. Attending veterans will ...
The hat is typically worn by elderly veterans who served ... person carrying a Rising Sun flag while visiting Dokdo." A controversy regarding the Vietnam War also emerged in the second season ...
The Veteran’s Administration paid for a long ramp leading to the front door and brought a full-sized flag to a March 1 open house to fly outside. At the open house, volunteers talked about what ...
The Cobbs Hall Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will honor Vietnam War veterans ...