A veteran-owned restaurant in Wisconsin has become famous for having hundreds of military artifacts, including a tank, helicopter, and two jets. Oh, and they serve Spam burgers.
The Savannah River Native Plant Society will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at the Aiken County Public Library, 314 ...
It may not be the most celebrated or well known anniversary, but this weekend marks the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.
Local Vietnam vets were honored at a commemoration meal. The Omaha Vet Center hosted the event on Tuesday afternoon. Veterans got to share stories and keepsakes from their time in the war, while ...
FORT BENNING, Georgia. – March 29, 1973: The last U.S. ground troops depart the Republic of Vietnam. Today, March 29 has ...
For me, this wall being here is really an honor and a true blessing,” said Richard Goble, veteran and the VFW Post 7103 ...
Many veterans service organizations who meet at local posts will hold celebrations for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day for ...
JONES: There's no better person to remember on Vietnam War Veterans Day than James Peterson of Twin Falls High School’s Class ...