The first truly global military conflict, World War I, scarred and reshaped entire generations of men and women. For many, it ...
This is Drama Masks, a Bay Area performing arts column from a born San ... What stands out about the two shows reviewed below is how they’re both about drawing lines in the sand and taking positive ...
Russian Telegram channels showed photos of what they said were special forces operatives, wearing gas masks and moving along what looked like the inside of a large pipe. Ukraine’s General Staff ...
“Gas masks? Technicians tell us no.” This was the response to reporters from the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, on the sidelines of the meeting at the Prefecture of the Rescue ...
A Carlow man who served with the Royal Field Artillery in WW1 died in 1958 from heart failure due to the "effects of war gas". The discovery was made by Tom Burke - a WW1 historian and writer - who ...
This stage musical inspired by the first world war is an important reminder of the stupidity of war “Gas masks and their grotesque appearance became the ultimate symbol of a man turned into a ...