Spring is the season for fresh starts, and there's no better time to give your new home the deep clean it deserves. You've ...
Comedian Amy Schumer listed her Brooklyn Heights home for $14 million; she paid $12.25 million for the property in 2022.
An accent wall can be a stunning addition to any room, but the baseboards along the bottom of the wall can pose a problem. Here's the solution.
The space felt too stark and a little dull, so after a couple of years I decided it was time for an upgrade. This mini ...
An accent wall is covered with wood-like paneling. A cast iron radiator is in one corner of the room ... It’s 136 square feet ...
This three-story contemporary home in Gouldsboro, Maine has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and views of Schoodic Peninsula harbor.
The Dudley House was the scene of many social events in Visalia. Visalia Heritage is offering an opportunity to tour the ...
Here are three vintage homes that sold for below $1 million in January on Long Island. A three-bed, two-bath home in ...
Renovated with a sympathetic eye toward period details, this Bed Stuy two-family has updated wet rooms along with fretwork, ...
The walls have shiplap molding and two windows in the corner look out to the harbor. The basement has a dirt floor and storage space. According to the listing agent, Tacy Ridlon of Better Homes ...
An accent wall is covered with wood-like paneling. A cast iron radiator is in one corner of the room ... It’s 136 square feet, and has thin crown molding with a wood-like appearance.