Silent Hill f has been refused classification and banned in Australia. While the reason wasn't given, the ESRB reveals the ...
Hotline Miami 2, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and Saints Row 4 are among dozens of games to have been denied an Australian release, with many thought to have been banned due to sexual violence, ...
Silent Hill f’s real life location is just as creepy as it is portrayed in the video game, as locals have shared pictures of ...
Australia bans Silent Hill f for extreme content. Here’s why it won’t see release and what it means for horror gaming.
The Classification Board in Australia is no longer refusing to rate Silent Hill f, meaning that the ban on the upcoming ...
Konami's psychological horror contains elements the Australian Classification Board has historically frowned on.
PS5 Pro users can look forward to PS5 Pro enhancements when a major upcoming Konami game releases in the future.