The Mirror Universe is one of Star Trek's most intriguing concepts with its own rich and fascinating history. Introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, the Mirror Universe has been ...
The jump to the Mirror Universe in Star Trek: Discovery season 1 was a turning point for fans, revealing Captain Lorca's true identity. Sonequa Martin-Green discusses how fans reacted to the ...
Our existence doesn’t really make sense. When the Universe was created, matter and a substance called antimatter should have obliterated each other. But that didn’t happen. If scientists can ...
Neil Turok, renowned cosmologist and Higgs Chair of Theoretical Physics at the University of Edinburgh, suggests a mirror universe existed before the Big Bang, moving backward in time. This bold ...
First introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series episode Mirror, Mirror (1967), this darker reflection of Trek’s utopian ...
That means the universe shouldn't display a preference for stuff that spins clock or anti-clockwise. There should be mirror symmetry in the universe, and that includes the gravitational waves ...
In this episode, Murphy discusses a season seven highlight from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine focused on the Mirror Universe. The team delves into the alternate universe where familiar characters ...