You’ve probably seen the image known as "the sleepy Mexican," a man wearing a Sombrero, sitting down with his knees in his chest, sleeping. It’s been used over the years to portray a negative ...
New research by ASM's Associate Director, Dr. James T. Watson, was just published by the University of Utah Press in Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest ...
Researchers are finding chimpanzees have more in common with humans that was previously thought. Jacob Negrey (SoA Assistant Professor) discusses how chimpanzees transition to old age and how that ...
Diane Austin is an applied environmental anthropologist whose work focuses on community dynamics amid large-scale industrial activity and environmental change; alternative technologies and education ...
Cielo is a PhD student in the Biological Anthropology program. She received her B.A. in Anthropology at the University of California Santa Cruz in 2020. Cielo was a member of the Primate Ecology and ...
I am a biological/evolutionary anthropologist. I started teaching at the University of Arizona in 2012 and worked as the laboratory manager for LEEP (Laboratory for the Evolutionary Endocrinology of ...
Professor Terry Hunt focuses on human and environmental histories of the Pacific Islands, where he has conducted field research throughout the region for more than four decades. Dr. Hunt has conducted ...
My research examines health and disease in prehistoric populations through their skeletal remains. I am specifically interested in understanding prehistoric human adaptations in desert ecosystems and ...
Robert Acio Benitez is a Ph.D. student in Archaeology and recipient of the Lewis and Clark Fellowship. He enjoys stand-up comedy, Marvel comics, and Cheez-It Baked Original Cheese Crackers. Benitez, R ...
Rinku Ashok Kumar is a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology with a minor in medical anthropology. Currently she is conducting dissertation research in India on the phenomenon of gut microbiome ...
Michael Spears is an anthropologist who conducts ethnographic, geospatial, and archaeological research in collaboration with Native American tribes primarily in the greater U.S. Southwest. Much of his ...
2018 Long Term Interactions of People and Animals in the Mimbres Region, Southwest New Mexico AD 200-1450. K.G. Schollmeyer. Kiva 84:51-84. Special issue edited by E.L. Jones, J. Dombrosky, and C.S.