Vietnam is set to finalise the legal framework for its carbon market by June, paving the way for the exchange of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission quotas and carbon credits. This is reported by Vietnam ...
Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto announced the launch of the country's sovereign wealth fund, which will initially invest US$20 billion in projects ranging from metallurgy to artificial ...
Brazil during its BRICS presidency will promote the development of additional transparent, accessible, and secure payment platforms. This was announced by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, speaking ...
伊朗和白俄罗斯同意今年春季成立联合科学合作委员会,旨在加强高等教育、研究和先进技术方面的合作。TV BRICS合作伙伴Mehr News Agency对此报道。 这一决定在白俄罗斯驻伊朗大使德米特里·科利 ...
Egypt has reinforced its regional leadership in public health and epidemic control by becoming the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to introduce a field epidemiology training ...
Los empresarios Alexéi y Alexander Lukiánov soñaban en su momento con cruzar el río Volga, uno de los más grandes de Rusia. A partir de la idea de utilizar un taladro manual, crearon la Seabike, una ...
Ethiopia has taken a major step forward with the introduction of the new electronic passport designed and manufactured domestically. The passport is equipped with advanced security features and modern ...
The government has reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing the education sector by allocating funds for the construction of at least 80 new schools. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to ...
Johannesburgo celebró la primera reunión de los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores del G20 de 2025 Desde la multipolaridad hasta el desarrollo sostenible, la agenda de la reunión de los ministros de ...
Indonesia is intensifying efforts to utilise advanced technology for converting waste into renewable energy and coal blending, aiming to address environmental concerns and enhance energy ...
Más de 1000 bailarines y 22 parroquias de la ciudad participaron en el desfile inaugural, que marca el comienzo de una festividad llena de alegría, música y cultura venezolana.
中国鹤岗市举办中俄八城市雪地足球邀请赛。TV BRICS合作伙伴东北网对此报道。 来自俄罗斯比罗比詹市体育代表团和中国佳木斯、绥化、伊春、七台河、双鸭山、大庆、鹤岗共8支足球队伍90余人 ...