History will not look kindly on those who let half a century of Title IX progress regress into men dominating and injuring ...
A male competing against females and using a girls locker room while girls were changing clothing spurred a Department of ...
The Education Department launched an investigation into Portland, Oregon, public schools for allowing a transgender athletes ...
Maine Principals' Association said it cannot be found liable for violating Title IX because it does not receive any federal ...
Recent action from the Trump administration has some fearing the women’s sports movement is being boxed out. Gains made as a ...
In a Women's History Month op-ed, the track stars explain how investing in young athletes will change the course of history.
Maine’s education office is being ordered to ban transgender athletes from girls’ and women’s sports or face federal ...
Debbie Powers and Andrea Seger both worked at Ball State when Title IX was passed and advocated for women in sports.