The fantasy film follows Arthur (Charlie Hunnam) from his tragic childhood, to the moment that he finally sits on the throne as the once and future king. King Uther Pendragon is betrayed by his ...
An alternative version of the King Arthur legend. As a boy, Arthur is left orphaned after his father, King Uther Pendragon, and mother are killed in a war waged against them by Vortigern ...
Pictures from Merlin Series 3: The Tears of Uther Pendragon - Part 2 ...
The myth of King Arthur (Nigel Terry) brought once again to the screen. Uthur Pendragon (Gabriel Byrne) is given the mystical sword Excalibur by the wizard Merlin. At his death, Uthur buries the ...
brought together tales of Merlin and Arthur. In the book, Merlin appears in the tales of kings Vortigern, Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther Pendragon. When Vortigern invites the Saxons to fight as ...