Don and Brian Cleaver are the father-and-son team from Toms River who launched a Jersey Shore aeronautical adventure into the ...
Sky Sail is insured and operates U.S. registry, state-of-the-art balloon equipment with valid certificates. “I have flown all around the country, and this area of the country is one of the prettiest ...
The balloon was estimated to be about 200 feet ... 10-foot-long tech payload that included sophisticated surveillance ...
Pictures have appeared on social media showing work in Ukraine to turn a tethered aerostat – what is more colloquially called ...
The lights are back on for more than ten thousand customers in Nevada.But it was a different story on Sunday, when people lost power because some mylar balloons ...
It took a few tries and $700 of equipment, but Don and Brian Cleaver figured out how to take a phone to the edge of space with a weather balloon launched from Jackson. The package eventually ...