Holy Week doesn't have a fixed date because it's linked to the lunar calendar and the start of spring in the Northern ...
In her new book, JNS columnist and author Melanie Phillips defends religion and tackles the why the woke left deny atrocities against Jews.The post How the West was won, and ...
As Brian Lacey recounted in Terrible Queer Creatures, St. Patrick was particularly close with the son of a man he converted ...
THE MOSAIC CHURCH is a documentary streaming on Angel Studios. In the region of Megiddo, Israel, a team of archaeologists ...
This most recent edit, referencing the 2020 election, was added after the latest proposed draft was posted publicly. The ...
Texas has for years been an incubator for Christian Right policies that are exported to other states or codified into federal ...
The holiday has been celebrated in Ireland for over a thousand years in observance of Saint Patrick, who introduced ...
In 1819 the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews was organized in Berlin, whose president from 1821-1824 was the lawyer Dr. Eduard Gans. The Society published the journal Zeitschrift für ...
It is the Christian understanding that "long ago, at many times and in many ways," God spoke to His people through the ...
Nancy Bjorkman remembers her surprise one day in March 2020 when she pulled up to her Elk River homeschooling supplies ...
Top ‘o the mornin’ to ya! Before you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, find out how much you know about the popular holiday.
Initially, St. Patrick's Day was a solemn religious observance in Ireland, featuring church services and feasts in his honor. However, as Irish immigrants spread around the world, particularly to the ...