You can acquire numerous clothing items in Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. Although most of them need to be unlocked or found, they are worth the effort, as you can dress the Mad Dog of ...
Tanjuh, whose family says she is about 120 years old, is one of the last living witnesses to European colonial rule in Africa and her Bangwa people’s fierce resistance against German colonisation.
The development comes as governments and museums in Europe and North America have increasingly sought to resolve ownership disputes over objects looted during colonial times. Olugible Holloway, the ...
Twenty-five per cent of Year 10 students and 14 per cent of Year 6 students could determine the “reasons for or against the removal of colonial statues”, which was considered a difficult question.
Mother Nature has dealt Oaklawn Park another round of severe weather and freezing temperatures this week. Due to these conditions, Oaklawn Park, in conjunction with the Arkansas HBPA and the ...
Ivor was the first Black official in the British Colonial Office and greeted the Caribbean passengers travelling on the Empire Windrush. Ivor lived his life as an openly gay man, at a time when ...
America was the land of the free. At age 22, he secured a job hauling goods down the Mississippi River to New Orleans via flatboat. While in New Orleans, Lincoln was shocked to witness a slave ...