After walking around the Colosseum and watching gladiators fight up close, they’ll snack on fruit and nuts before training and fighting their fellow participants. Participants are divided into ...
“I mean, we’re the gladiators of New York,” he said. “If we got to go to the Colosseum to fight, we would fight so hard. We ...
experts say the Colosseum is an engineering wonder… not to mention an animal and human rights atrocity. Not only were gladiators pitted against each other, but gladiators fighting animals and ...
As the most enduring symbol of the Roman Empire and one of the most famous landmarks in the world, the Colosseum receives more than 6 million visitors per year – which means it's not easy to ...
In 80 AD, Emperor Titus opens the Colosseum with 100 days of spectacular ... two gladiators must now fight to the death.
Spiraling around the column like a modern-day comic strip is a narrative of the Dacian campaigns: Thousands of intricately carved Romans and Dacians march, build, fight, sail, sneak, negotiate ...