For the first time, researchers have filmed in real time the disassembly of DNA at the atomic scale. This strand separation ...
In its structure, DNA contains a pattern for producing amino acids, proteins, lipids, sugars, and every other biomolecule an organism makes. The parts of a DNA molecule that have these ...
DNA was largely accepted as the genetic molecule. Scientists still needed to figure out this molecule's structure to be sure, and to understand how it worked. In 1948, Linus Pauling discovered ...
Daban, in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UAB ... introduced in the monotonous linear structure ...
But James Watson and Francis Crick's claim was a valid one, for they had in fact discovered the structure of DNA, the chemical that encodes instructions for building and replicating almost all ...
Among the many marvels of life is the cell's ability to divide and thus enable organisms to grow and renew themselves. For ...
Scientists at EMBL have captured how human chromosomes fold into their signature rod shape during cell division, using a ...
Crick and Watson were trying to build a 3D model of the DNA molecule. But they were not the only ones working on finding its structure. They were competing with a team at King's College London ...
These acted like anchors. They then added specially designed DNA pieces that folded into eight-sided shapes called ...
For successful cell division, chromosomal DNA needs to be packed into compact rod-shaped structures. Defects in this process ...
MSK researchers shed new light on G-quadruplexes, a type of secondary DNA structure that has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.
(Getty Images) Two new landmark studies show how a seeming tangle of DNA is actually organized into a structure that coordinates thousands of genes to form a sperm cell. The work, published March 3 as ...