Yet he’s best known as the god of light, hauling the sun across the sky in his chariot each day. He was also one of the ... the rest of the pantheon for a good old public shaming. 12. Dionysus/Hestia ...
In recent years, the internet has begged to disagree—and the term “biblically accurate angels” entered the chat. According to ...
The quadriga chariot races are arranged with striking ... Hercules, Daphne, Pan and Dionysus come to life in the sumptuous mosaics adorning the walls and floor. The rich motifs underline the ...
incredibly well-preserved mosaic of Dionysus as he is depicted on his chariot emerging out of the sea waves. Dionysus was for the ancient Greeks the god of the grape-harvest, wine-making and wine, ...
Was Cleopatra the cause of the conflict between these two consuls, both eager to become the masters of Rome? Historians are ...