Unlike the sediment-covered deep-sea plains, the above areas have complex topography due to frequent geological activity, which has greatly constrained the accuracy of seafloor classification using ...
Japan battled its worst wildfire in half a century on Wednesday in a region hit by record-low rainfall, as wet weather gave hope for some relief. The blaze around the northern city of Ofunato has ...
Avalanches present a consistent threat in the region due to its sloping topography, heavy snowfall, and construction activities. On March 2, 2025, the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) camp at Mana ...
Last week, Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs Badr Abdel-Atty and Eritrea President Isaias Afwerki reiterated their rejection of any involvement by non-littoral Red Sea nations in the area's ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
For the first time in its nearly 250 years of history, the US is set to have an official language: On March 1, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that designated English to be the ...
Because of Del Mar’s steep topography, a tunnel is the only option for moving the tracks inland. At the tunnel’s deepest point, trains would be hundreds of feet underground. All four routes ...
With 54 of 54 polls reporting, incumbent Donna Skelly, of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, is projected to be re-elected in Flamborough-Glanbrook. Skelly has 23,790 of 48,176 (49.38% ...
Members of Manchester’s planning board have joined the growing chorus of Queen City officials concerned over a proposed development in Goffstown. As previously reported, the Dubay Group Inc. and ...
New bars continue to open and invigorate the District’s drinking scene with snazzy views, solid happy hours, and delicious bites. This map includes a dozen bars that have popped this winter. For a ...
The uneven distribution of fire impact came down to several factors, experts said, including topography, firefighting resources, home construction and just plain luck. The Altadena public library ...
Two weeks ago, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department sent word that its second and third cases of CWD had been discovered on an elk feedground — both detected in cow carcasses at the Dell Creek ...