How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...
In January of each year, the University of Nevada, Reno issues the IRS Form 1098-T to qualifying students. This form is informational only. It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for ...
Access your 1098-T form at All students will need to create a profile and connect their account with a ...
What is a 1098-T? Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form 1098-T is an informational only tax document that is issued to students for the purpose of determining eligibility for education tax credits. The ...
How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...